Inglés, pregunta formulada por inescatalinaconde, hace 7 meses

Ayuda porfa Lo tengo que entregar hoy.


LuChI1222: 16) It’s raining a lot here
LuChI1222: 17)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por LuChI1222


1) You don’t like chocolate

2) She don’t study at the moment

3) We often go to the cinema

4) He usually don’t do his homework

5)They don’t eat rice everyday

6) We don’ study every night

7) Do you like spicy food?

8) Does she go to Scotland often?

9) Can he eat now?

10) We are going to go to the cinema this weekend

11) They are studying now

12) I clean the kitchen every day

13) She works every Sunday

14) We don’t sleep now

15) He don’t go to the park very often

Contestado por daylinmorales0207


1. don't like

2. is not studying

3. go

4. doesn't do

5. don't eat

6. don't study

7. Do you like

8. Does she go

9. Is he eating

10. go

11. are studying

12. clean

13. work

14. are not sleeping

15. doesn't go

16. is raining

17. go

18. is she satying

19. read

20. don't drink

Otras preguntas