Inglés, pregunta formulada por joseameloe, hace 7 meses

ayuda porfa doy coronita

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.
Your story must begin with this sentence;

I had a real surprise when I turned on the television.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por saravelezmendoza


I had a real surprise when I turned on the television, I saw my family, I was in a program, they were doing a contest, it was about helping poor children, I took a bath and I sat down to watch the program, very happy my relatives were winning , but suddenly the power went out, scared I ran to the supermarket that was on the corner and began to see it from there, my relatives had won! When my mother returned home she returned with a lot of money. and I told him:

-Mother, Mother !, Congratulations with this money we can help the poorest children, and pay all your debts, (as well as your family)


(en español): Tuve una verdadera sorpresa me llevé cuando encendi la televisión, vi a mi familia, estaba en un progama, estaban hacieno un concurso, se trataba de ayudar a niños pobres, me bañe y me sente a ver el programa, muy feliz mis familiares estaban ganando, pero derrepente se fue la luz, asustado corri hacia el supermercado que quedaba en la esquina y empece a verlo desde ally, mis familiares havian ganado!, cuando mi madre volvio a casa regreso con mucho dinero. y yo le dije:

-Madre,Madre!, felicidades con este dinero podremos ayudar a los niños mas pobre, y pagar todas tus deudas, (al igual que su familia)


espero te ayude -w- no es necesaria la coronita :D

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