Ayuda por favor es urgente: Busca los significados (no tan largos) de las palabras de la siguete imagen EN INGLES.
Respuestas a la pregunta
1. mirage : An image of water in a desert or on a road produced by hot air
2. priority: Something that is very important
3. oasis: Place in the desert where there is water
4. barren: Land that is barren does not produce crops.
5. landscape: the appearance of an area of land, especially in the countryside
6. sanctuaries: A quiet and peaceful place
7. springing: Jumping
8. divine: Relating to or coming from God or a god
9. weary: bored with something or someone
10. delicious: If food or drink is delicious, it smells or tastes extremely good
11. swallowed: to move your throat in order to make food or drink go down
12. cooperation: a situation in which you work together with someone
13. cluster: a group of similar things that are close together
14. prayers: the words you say to a god
15. recover: healthy or happy again after an illness, injury, or period of sadness
16. commonly: often or usually
17. migrating: travel from one place to another at the same time each year
18.olives: a small green or black fruit with a bitter taste that is eaten or used to produce oil