Inglés, pregunta formulada por ttomy2020, hace 2 meses

Ayuda por favor es urgente​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por alexanderpardo


pa que estudias ? para eso pedir ayuda en internet


erikretaviscagamezfu: eres tonto o que déjate de tontearías descerebrado
Contestado por vsh57
1. How did you feel on the plane?
2. What are the kids doing?
3. Why didnt you text me?
4. What did he find on the beach?
5. What have your parents do for breakfast?
6. What is steven good at?
7. Who empties the dishwasher at your home?
8.when were you born?
9. What are the kids doing?
10. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
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