Inglés, pregunta formulada por AnthonyJaen, hace 3 meses

Ayuda por favor doy coronita al que responda todas las preguntas


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Usuario anónimo



1-. Mexico

2-. This city is rich in traditions, celebrations, food, etc..

3-. Mexico has everything you imagine.

4-. Mexico also have the most delicious food.

As I already say, Mexico is so rich in traditions, food, etc... I love Mexico and its celebrations. It is conformed by 31 states and Mexico City. It has 68 different languages and Spanish. Its natural places are so beautiful but sadly now everybody is making buildings and getting off the natural places.

Ojala te ayude! :)) y me podrias ayudar poniendome una coronita porfa??


AnthonyJaen: perdón no dije pero es de Ecuador ya que ahí vivo
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