ayuda por favor
¿Como hacer tortilla de patata? ( resumen en ingles) con los ingredientes corto 20 lineas máximo
Respuestas a la pregunta
ingredients :
8 free range eggs or 10 normal eggs.
1 kg of Galician potatoes
Extra virgin olive oil for frying potatoes
Elavoration :
1. We peel the potatoes, we wash them to remove dirt and very importantly, we dry them.
2. We cut into semi-thin sheets, I do not like them to fall apart, but when they are fried, they toast a little. We put them in a large bowl, where we will then mix with the egg and add salt to taste. Stir well and reserve.
3. We chose our largest, non-stick frying pan. We put it on the fire and add a good extra virgin olive oil.
4. We introduce the cut and already salted potatoes and let them cook for approximately twenty minutes over low heat.
5. The theme of the thickness of the potatoes also goes to taste. There are those who prefer to cut them into very small pieces, in very thin sheets that almost break when frying and or rather large.
6. While the potatoes are being fried, in the bowl where we are going to put the potatoes later we beat the eggs, we reserve.
7. Peel the onion and cut as thin as possible. In another frying pan, heat olive oil and add the onion pieces.
8. We poach until it has a golden color, it has a caramelization point but without burning. The onion will be done before the potatoes, so we drain and add to the bowl with the beaten egg.
y pues ya esta :3 . solo te digo que me pase un poco pero es que ya no lo podía reducir más que esto sorry pero solo me pase por 4 lineas