Inglés, pregunta formulada por samtina, hace 5 días


Repaso simple present tense Is there any mistake7
Encuentra el error en cada una de las siguientes oraciones y corrigelo. El error será sobre la conjugación de los verbos del presente simple
Nicole likes to watch movies with her family.
2. Camilo and Santiago gets up so late.
3. They doesn't like to cook.
4. I washes my hands every 3 hours.
5. My cat sleeps the whole (toda la) moming. 6. His father don't work at home.
7. Laura and Valentina live in the same neighborhood (barrio).
8 David walk to school
9 His mother prepare a delicious cake.
10. Camila doesn't does homework.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Usuario anónimo


Corregí las oraciones (errores corregidos en negrita):

2. Camilo and Santiago get up very late.

3. They don't like to cook.

4. I wash my hands every 3 hours.

5. My cat sleeps all morning.

6. Your father does not work at home.

7. Laura and Valentina live in the same neighborhood.

8 David walks to school.

9 His mother makes a delicious cake.

10. Camila doesn't do her homework.

En la oración N° 7 no hay ningún error.

samtina: Muchísisisimas gracias Por Tu ayuda
samtina: Muchísisisimas gracias Por Tu ayuda
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