Inglés, pregunta formulada por 0824javier, hace 8 meses

Ayuda pls
Completa las preguntas con una de las siguientes palabras:

Who, When, How often, What, How, Why, Where, How many
_____ did you meet your wife? I met my wife AT THE UNIVERSITY.
_____do you like buying computers? BECAUSE computers are very interesting and useful.
_____was the movie? The movie WAS FUNNY.
_____ did you go to the party with? I went to the party WITH LAURA AND MICHAEL.
_____ is your sister’s name? My sister’s name is MARTHA.
_____ is your birthday? My birthday is ON JULY 4TH.
_____ brothers do you have? I have 10 BROTHERS.
_____ does she visit her family? She visits her family 5 TIMES A MONTH.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por EmilyGY

1. where

2. why

3. how

4. who

5. what

6. when

7. how many

8. how often

Otras preguntas