Inglés, pregunta formulada por Brailynt14, hace 3 meses

Ayuda de verdad la necesito hoy por mi mañana por ti se lo agradecería en el alma


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por manasofia85


que onda pa en que te ayudo?

Explicación:hay te ayudo espero te sirva

1. you there before we went together?

2. see the film already?

3. forget why about the meeting?

4. it cold all week?

5. read the book before the class?

6. eat when she arrived already?

7.  you where when i saw you?  

8. travel by bullet train before?

9. meet lucy before they worked tohether?

10. do your homework before i saw you?

11. she work?

12. pay the bill before we left?

13. visit my parents already that winter?

14. when you called eat dinner?

15. how he to fix the cooker?

16. be sick for a long time?

17. how much estudy  before?

the exam?

18. what cook for dinner the that nigh?

19. when arribed?

20. hoe many coffees drink before the interview?


manasofia85: espero te haya servido qwq
Brailynt14: Gracias de verdad por ayudarme ❤️
manasofia85: no hay de que :)
Contestado por london9589


Hi there!

Por supuesto que te ayudo.

Por cierto, una pequeña aclaración :

Este tiempo verbal Pasado Perfecto Simple:

Se usa para acciones que preceden al Pasado Simple, es decir, que ocurrieron antes.

Ej: I had eaten chips.

Y se traduce así en Español (es nuestro subjuntivo) :

Yo había comido papas

Yo hube comido papas

Yo hubiera comido papas

Yo hubiese comido papas

Además para conjugar este tiempo verbal en inglés, se usa la siguiente estructura :

Sujeto+ had + past participle

  • Nota: El past participle es la tercera columna de los verbos irregulares en inglés.

Y en el caso de que sea pregunta:

Had+ sujeto+ Past Participle

1) Had you gone?

2) Had she seen?

3) Why he had forgotten?

4)Had it been?

5) Had I read?

6) Had we eaten?

7) Had you been?

8) Had they travelled?

9) Had John met?

10) Had you done?

11) Where had she worked?

12)Had I paid?

13) Had we visited?

14) Had they eaten?

15) How had they managed?

16) Had my sister been?

17) Had she studied?

18) What had you cooked?

19) Where had they arrived?

20) Had she drunk?

Espero que tengas un gran día y ánimo con el estudio.

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