Inglés, pregunta formulada por caro511, hace 1 año

ayuda con las siguientes oraciones traducir a ingles por favor

1.tiene una muy bella voz
2.fue capaz de cantar sin importar lo que dijera su padre
3.el era muy valiente
4.era muy divertido
5.el lucho por sus sueños
6.era un ratón glotón
7.era un raton egocentrico
8.era interesado
9.solo pensaba en poder ganar el el dinero
10.el era alegre
11.era muy dedicado con lo que se trataba de su teatro
12.lucho para poder cumplir su sueño
13.tenía un impulso implacable para lograr el éxito
14.tenía mucha pasión por lo que hacia
15.tenía mucho optimismo

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Sebantetu
1.has a very beautiful voice
2. was able to sing no matter what his father said
 3. he was very brave It was very funny
5. I fight for your dreams.
6. Was a glutton mouse
7. was an egocentric mouse
8. was interested
9. I just thought I could win the money
10. the happy era
11. was very dedicated with what was about his theater
12.luch to fulfill his dream
13.I had a relentless impulse to succeed
 14.I was very passionate about what
15.I was very optimistic
Contestado por luniesel
1.-She/he has a very beautiful voice.
2.-She/he has been capable of singing without caring what her/his father said.
3.- He was very brave.
4.-He was very funny.
5.-He fought for his dreams.
6.-It was a very piggish mouse.
7.-It was a selfish mouse.
8.- He was interested
9.- He just thought on earning money.
10.-He was cheerful.
11.-He was very dedicated on his theater.
12.-He fought to make his dream come true.
13.-He had a relentless impulse to reach success.
14.-He had lots of passion for what he did.
15.-He was very optimist.
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