Inglés, pregunta formulada por Paolatina7896, hace 4 meses

Aprendizaje Esperado: express habitual actions (negative)
Se tiene que convertir en negativo.

1.- (+) I wake up at 6:10 in the morning.
(- ) I don't wake up at 6:00 am.
2.- (+) I get up quickly
(- ) I don't get up right away...
3.- (+) I make the bed
(- )
4.- (+) I take a shower in the morning
(- )

5.- (+) I have breakfast around 7:30am.
(- )

6.- (+) I get dressed around 8:00 am
(- )

7.- ( + ) I brush my teeth...
( - )

8.- (+ ) I study for an hour
( - )
9.- (+) I do my homework
( - )
10.- (+) I do some exercise

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por hernandeznoah46


3-i dont make the bed

4-i dont take a shower in the morning

5-i domt have a breakfast around 7:30 am

6-i dont get dressed around 8:00 am

7-i dont brush my teeth

8-i dont study for an hour

9-i dont do my homework

10-i dont do some exerxise


Espero ayudarte y mucho animo :)

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