Inglés, pregunta formulada por Meli0daseldrag0n, hace 1 mes

Answer these questions. Look at the examples:
• Does Alberto like to be in the house after school?
Yes, He likes to be in the house after school.
No, He doesn ́t. He likes to play sport.
• DO you like to be in the house after school?
Yes, I like to be in the house after school
No, I don ́t. I like to play sport.
1. Does Tomas play soccer at the park? _Yes, ________________________________
2. Do you eat apple at the bathroom? __No, ________________________________
3. Does Laura read a magazine? ______________________________________
4. Do they chat on their notebook? _____________________________________
5. Does the dog eat meat? ___________________________________________
doy corona y corazon please

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por s0m3on3

  1. Yes, Tomas plays soccer at the park
  2. No, I don't eat apple at the bathroom
  3. Yes, Laura reads a magazine // No, Laura doesn't read a magazine
  4. Yes, they chat on their notebook // No, they don't chat on their notebook
  5. Yes, the dog eats meat // No, the dog doesn't eat meat

En las últimas no sabía si eran positivas o negativas asi que tienes las dos, espero haberte ayudado, si es asi no dudes en marcarme como mejor respuesta me ayudaría muchísimo :)

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