Exámenes Nacionales, pregunta formulada por ferycamila1205, hace 11 meses

An ultralight airplane is very different from a conventional airplane. It looks like a lawn chair withwings, weighs no more than 254 pounds, flies up to 60 miles an hour, and carries about 5 gallons of fuel.Most ultralights are sold as kits and take about 40 hours to assemble. Flying an ultralight is so easy thata pilot with no experience can fly one. Accidents are rarely fatal or even serious because the ultralightlands so slowly and gently and carries so little fuel. Some models now have parachutes attached, whileothers have parachute packs that pilots wear. 1. Ultralights are powered by (A) an engine(B) human energy(C) remote control(D) solar energy2 It is probably true that(A) an ultralight can be purchased at the airport(B) people can put their own ultralights together(C) people who fly ultralights have no experience(D) ultralight builders need to have training in aviation3 It can be inferred from the passage that(A) accident statistics are inaccurate because ultralights are not registered at airports (B) fatal accidents are frequent because of the lack of experienced pilot (C) ultralight pilots can walk away from most of the accidents they are in (D) because of the frequency of fatal accidents, laws requiring parachutes have been enacted

#Exani II

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por mary24457181ozqyux

Respuesta a las preguntas de An Ultralight Airplane.

  1. Ultralights are powered by: (Opción A) An engine.
  2. It is probably true that: (Opción C) People who fly ultralights have no experience.
  3. It can be inferred from the passage that: (Opción D) because of the frequency of fatal accidents, laws requiring parachutes have been enacted.

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Es un tiempo verbal en que se comunica la acción qué está haciendo el sujeto en el momento; este tiempo verbal responde a la pregunta: ¿qué estás haciendo? Las oraciones en presente continuo se construyen con la siguiente fórmula.

  • Fórmula: Pronombre personal + verbo to be + verbo con -ing + complemento.
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