Inglés, pregunta formulada por mayte7451, hace 8 meses

1) He is
a doctor. 2) I
a nurse. 3) You
a nice boy
4) We
twins. 5) She
a beautiful girl. 6) They
at home. 7) It
a penguin 8) She
my teacher. 9) He
her father. 10) I
a little girl. 11) They
12) We
good students. 13) It
my school-bag. 14) You
my friend. 15) He
a good student. 16) She
the garden 17) The mice
in the kitchen 18) The woman
under a tree.
19) 1
Ben 20) Clara and I
friends. 21) It
black 22) My name
Jack. 23)
nice girls. 24) The children
in the swimming pool
25) He
a singer 26) You
hungry. 27) Our teacher
is beautiful 28) I
Twelve years old. 29) Jim and Cathy
at school30) The elephants
tired. 31) Mr Cooper
in the house. 32) The child
at the park 33) The men
at the meeting. 34) Peter
o clever boy 35) I
from Germany. 36) Mr Baker and I
friends 37) I+
for dinner 38) My name
Caroline. 39) My rabbit and my cat
friends 40) They​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por mimiayala


1) He is

a doctor. 2) I  am

a nurse. 3) You  are

a nice boy

4) We  are

twins. 5) She  is

a beautiful girl. 6) They  are

at home. 7) It  is

a penguin 8) She  is

my teacher. 9) He  is

her father. 10) I  am

a little girl. 11) They  are


12) We  are

good students. 13) It  is

my school-bag. 14) You  are

my friend. 15) He  is

a good student. 16) She  is


the garden 17) The mice  is

in the kitchen 18) The woman  is

under a tree.

19) 1  am

Ben 20) Clara and I  are

friends. 21) It  is

black 22) My name  is

Jack. 23)

They  are

nice girls. 24) The children  are

in the swimming pool

25) He  is

a singer 26) You  are

hungry. 27) Our teacher

is beautiful 28) I  am

Twelve years old. 29) Jim and Cathy  are

at school30) The elephants  are

tired. 31) Mr Cooper  is

in the house. 32) The child  is

at the park 33) The men  are

at the meeting. 34) Peter  

o clever boy 35) I  am

from Germany. 36) Mr Baker and I  are

friends 37) I+

for dinner 38) My name  is

Caroline. 39) My rabbit and my cat  are



Contestado por fernandomata3987


um no esta completo el de arriba >:(


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