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Receta Ceviche Peruano
2 filetes de lenguado, mero ó merluza
1 ají amarillo peruano
1 limón grande
1 cebolla morada mediana
Cilantro fresco
Para acompañar:
Una taza pequeña de maíz
1 batata rosada
Nachos, chips de maíz, de papas o de plátano
Corta la cebolla morada en tiras finas y sumérgela en agua por 10 minutos, con esto vas a suavizar un poco el sabor.
Pica el ají en tiras finas, cuidando que no tenga semillas ni parte de la vena, que es donde está el sabor picante más fuerte.
Limpia bien el pescado y córtalo en cubos de aproximadamente 1,5 centímetros de diámetro.
Pica el cilantro pequeñito.
En el caso de los acompañantes, hierve la batata sin piel hasta que se ponga tierna y reserva.
Una vez hayas hecho todos estos primeros pasos, puedes proceder con el armado del ceviche como tal.
Mezcla el pescado, con la cebolla, el cilantro y una pizca de sal en un bowl donde quepa todo cómodamente.
Seguidamente agrégale el jugo del limón y revuelve bien.
ceviche peruano
No esperes más de 10 minutos para servir el ceviche luego de agregarle el limón al pescado. Tal como te dije anteriormente: la idea no es que se cocine demasiado
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Peruvian Ceviche Recipe
2 fillets of sole, grouper or hake1 Peruvian yellow pepper1 large lemon1 medium purple onionFresh corianderSaltTo accompany:
A small cup of corn1 pink sweet potatoNachos, corn chips, potatoes or bananapreparation:
Cut the purple onion into thin strips and immerse it in water for 10 minutes, this will soften the flavor a little.
Chop the chili in thin strips, taking care that it does not have seeds or part of the vein, which is where the spiciest flavor is strongest.
Clean the fish well and cut it into cubes of approximately 1.5 centimeters in diameter.
Chop the cilantro teeny.
In the case of the companions, boil the sweet potato without skin until tender and reserve.
Once you have made all these first steps, you can proceed with the assembly of the ceviche as such.
Mix the fish, with the onion, cilantro and a pinch of salt in a bowl where everything fits comfortably.
Then add lemon juice and stir well.
Peruvian ceviche
Do not wait more than 10 minutes to serve the ceviche after adding the lemon to the fish. As I said before: the idea is not to cook too much
2 fillets of sole, grouper or hake1 Peruvian yellow pepper1 large lemon1 medium purple onionFresh corianderSaltTo accompany:
A small cup of corn1 pink sweet potatoNachos, corn chips, potatoes or bananapreparation:
Cut the purple onion into thin strips and immerse it in water for 10 minutes, this will soften the flavor a little.
Chop the chili in thin strips, taking care that it does not have seeds or part of the vein, which is where the spiciest flavor is strongest.
Clean the fish well and cut it into cubes of approximately 1.5 centimeters in diameter.
Chop the cilantro teeny.
In the case of the companions, boil the sweet potato without skin until tender and reserve.
Once you have made all these first steps, you can proceed with the assembly of the ceviche as such.
Mix the fish, with the onion, cilantro and a pinch of salt in a bowl where everything fits comfortably.
Then add lemon juice and stir well.
Peruvian ceviche
Do not wait more than 10 minutes to serve the ceviche after adding the lemon to the fish. As I said before: the idea is not to cook too much
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