Inglés, pregunta formulada por jitzelgoes, hace 19 horas

Alguien que me ayude con este ejercicio de ingles por favor, es para hoy es del tema Present Perect. :( si alguien es tan amable de ayudarme plis :( doy coronita. Urge!!! :(

Present Perfect Worksheet

1. Conjugate the verb in parentheses using the form indicated. In the case of questions, use the indicated subject as well.

1. How long ____________ (he / live) in New Jersey?

2. Peter ___________ (not play) baseball since 1987.

3. I ____________ (speak) Russian for twenty years.

4. We ______________ (not see) Tom since Christmas.

5. ________________ (Alan / fly) in an airplane before?

6. Shannon _______________ (not / go) to lunch yet.

7. Our class ___________ (take) a field trip three times this year.

8. Jennifer _______________ (ask) that question four times today.

9. You ____________ (not eat) lunch yet, have you?

10. Jason ______________ (want) to move to New York since he was five years old.

11. How long _____________ (they / know) Peter?

12. Alexandra ________________ (work) for IBM since 2002.

13. Jeff ________________ (buy) a few books this week.

14. Sally ________________ (not read) that book yet.

15. Bill _______________ (not / drive) very far today.

2. Choose the correct time expression used with the present perfect tense.

1. They have lived in that house (since / for) ten years.

2. We have worked at this company (since / for) 2008.

3. Jason hasn't telephoned me (since / for) two weeks.

4. How (long / much) have you known Susan?

5. The President has traveled to more than twenty countries (since / for) he was elected.

6. Sam has wanted to go to Japan (for / since) he was a little child.

7. Jason hasn't worked here (since / for) very long.

8. How (much / long) have you been a student here?

3. Make the present perfect sentences, choose positive, negative or question:

1. (she / go / to the library) __________________________

2. (you / keep a pet for three years) __________________________

3. (you / come here before?) __________________________

4. (it / rain all day?) __________________________

5. (who / we / forget to invite?) __________________________

6. (we / not / hear that song already) __________________________

7. (he / not / forget his books) __________________________

8. (she / steal all the chocolate!) __________________________

9. (I / explain it well?) __________________________

10. (who / he / meet recently?) __________________________

11. (how / we / finish already?) __________________________

12. (he / study Latin) __________________________

13. (I / know him for three months) __________________________

14. (where / you / study Arabic?) __________________________

15. (what countries / they / visit in Europe?)____________________

16. (he / hurt his leg)________________________

17. (she / leave her phone in a taxi) __________________________

18. (we / not / lose our tickets) __________________________

19. (she / call her mother?) __________________________

20. (he / take a taxi?) __________________________

4. Complete each sentence with for or since.


1. I’ve been here _______________ yesterday.

2. She’s been living in London _______________ 2002.

3. I’ve been learning English _______________ three years.

4. He’s been swimming every day _______________ he was ten.

5. He’s been a professional coach _______________ ten years.

6. I’ve lived in the same town _______________ a long time.

7. I’ve admired her _______________ we first met.

8. Tina's family hasn't seen her _______________ she got married.

9. My mother has been cooking _______________ two hours.

10. Laurel and Mike have been together _______________ 2005.

11. Hank hasn't drunk anything _______________ this afternoon.

12. Kim's son has been studying at this university_______________ three years.

13. It hasn't rained _______________ last July.

14. I have been waiting for the bus _________45 minutes.

15. I haven't heard from him _______________ I was five.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Arantza101


1- he



4-don´t see


Otras preguntas