Inglés, pregunta formulada por maria530, hace 1 mes

alguien que me ayude a resolverlo, es para mañana ​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por marglez1312
I’m a -girl- and i’m 18 years old. I usually -get up- at 7:30 and i have a -take a shower-. After that, i comb my hair and get dressed. —— i drink milk and eat cereal. I love it!
••• I go to school by bus.
•••••• I have english classes at 8:30. At 9:30 i have math. One hour later, i have sports and afterwands Music lessons.
••• I go back home and i have (?) with my parents. i love fish and potatos (?).
I don’t like coffee very muck but for dessert. I love eating cookies and ice cream. ••••• I sometimes ride my bike, and play soccer with my friends. Then i go to the swimming pool to the swim lessons.
(No le entendí al 4º párrafo, perdón;-;)

••• I watch TV and I also read a book.
Afterwands it is time to sleep because I have to get up early the next day

maria530: gracias
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