Inglés, pregunta formulada por KarlaMacias2903, hace 9 meses

alguien me podria ayudar a traducir esto al ingles pero que no sea muy formal porfavor. (no es un juego) ¿Cómo ha cambiado mi vida gracias a la cuarentena? Para ser honesta no creo que sea solo por la cuestión de la cuarentena, porque no se me da lo que es la amistad y se que hay cosas que pude evitar. Vaya. Como muchas personas, perdí contacto con mis compañeros de clase y pienso que talvez si les hubiera hablado esto no hubiera pasado; y hasta ahora no he podido hacer nuevos amigos por el cambio de escuela y el hecho de que no conozco a nadie. Las únicas personas con las que he hablado durante la cuarentena son mis 2 mejores amigas y mi mejor amigo, como los tres nos cambiamos a la misma escuela hacemos la tarea juntos, a veces jugamos y siempre nos estamos contando todo, no los cambiaría por nada en el mundo. También empecé a descubrir muchas cosas sobre mí, como lo que se me da bien o mal y mis gustos sobre libros, música o pinturas, he desarrollado habilidades y he aprendido muchas cosas nuevas investigando. En la escuela puedo decir que me va bastante bien, el único detalle es que a veces no me puedo unir a la clase por que las plataformas están saturadas, supongo que no soy a la única que le pasa ya que hay millones de niños teniendo clases por distintas plataformas al mismo tiempo. Y después de tanto tiempo encerrada ya no encuentro que hacer, estoy muy aburrida y realmente preferiría estar en clases presenciales, no veo la hora de que pueda salir de mi casa y ver como todo es distinto a las paredes de mi casa

KarlaMacias2903: por favor no usen google traductor o alguna otra app

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MariaDeDios35


How has my life changed thanks to the quarantine? To be honest, I don't think it's just because of the quarantine issue, because I'm not given what friendship is and I know there are things I could avoid. Whoops. Like many people, I lost contact with my classmates and I think that maybe if I had told them this would not have happened; and so far I have not been able to make new friends because of the change of school and the fact that I don't know anyone. The only people I have spoken to during quarantine are my 2 best friends and my best friend, since the three of us move to the same school we do our homework together, sometimes we play and we are always telling each other everything, I would not change them for anything in the world. I also started to discover many things about myself, such as what I am good at or bad about and my tastes about books, music or paintings, I have developed skills and I have learned many new things while doing research. At school I can say that I am doing quite well, the only detail is that sometimes I cannot join the class because the platforms are saturated, I suppose I am not the only one that happens since there are millions of children having classes by different platforms at the same time. And after being locked up for so long I can't find what to do, I'm very bored and I really would rather be in face-to-face classes, I can't wait for me to leave my house and see how everything is different from the walls of my house


KarlaMacias2903: gracias pero me hubiera gustado que fuera algo mas informal y no pareciera del traductor
MariaDeDios35: es maketenglish
Contestado por antjorge13


How has my life changed because of quarantine? Honestly, it's not all about quarantine. I mean, I'm not good at making friendships, so I know there are a lot of things I need to change. Well, like many people, I lost touch with my classmates. I think that if I would've talked to them, it hadn't had happened, and until now, I haven't been able to make some new friends because of the change in school and the fact that I don't know anyone. Nevertheless, the only people that I've just talked to are my three best friends. We both changed in the same school, so we do the homework together, we sometimes play and we're spilling the tea every day. I would never let them go. Also, I started finding many facts about me, you know, the bad and good ones. For example, my pleasure in reading books, music, paintings. I've developed new abilities and I learned new things by investigating. I can say that I'm having a good time at school, but the only bad thing is that I can't sometimes join my virtual classes because many platforms are just overloaded. I suppose I'm not the only one who it's happening to since there are millions of kids having online classes at the same time. After being so much time at home, I can't find anything to do. I'm really bored and I'd rather be in face-to-face classes. I can't wait to go out and realize how everything around me is totally different from my house walls.


KarlaMacias2903: gracias
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