Inglés, pregunta formulada por lauracastro750, hace 1 año



La deforestación arrasa los bosques y las selvas de la Tierra de forma masiva causando un inmenso daño a la calidad de los suelos. Los bosques todavía cubren alrededor del 30 por ciento de las regiones del mundo.

La deforestación tiene muchos efectos negativos para el medio ambiente. El impacto más dramático es la pérdida del hábitat de millones de especies. Setenta por ciento de los animales y plantas habitan los bosques de la Tierra y muchos no pueden sobrevivir la deforestación que destruye su medio.

Las selvas tropicales y los bosques pluviales podrían desaparecer completamente dentro de cien años si continúa el ritmo actual de deforestación. La deforestación es también un factor coadyuvante del cambio climático. Los suelos de los bosques son húmedos, pero sin la protección de la cubierta arbórea, se secan rápidamente.

La eliminación de la capa vegetal arrebata a los bosques y selvas de sus palios naturales, que bloquean los rayos solares durante el día y mantienen el calor durante la noche. Este trastorno contribuye a la aparición de cambios de temperatura más extremos que pueden ser nocivos para las plantas y animales.

Los árboles desempeñan un papel crucial en la absorción de gases de efecto invernadero, responsables del calentamiento global. Tener menos bosques significa emitir más cantidad de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera y una mayor velocidad y gravedad del cambio climático.

La solución más rápida a la deforestación es, sencillamente, interrumpir la tala de árboles. Aunque el ritmo de deforestación se ha ralentizado un poco en los últimos años, las realidades financieras actuales hacen de esta solución una alternativa poco probable.

La solución más viable sería gestionar los recursos vegetales cuidadosamente mediante la eliminación de los despejes agrícolas para asegurar que los entornos forestales permanecen intactos.

La tala que se realice debe hacerse de forma balanceada mediante la plantación de suficiente árboles jóvenes que sustituyan a los más viejos en todos los bosques y selvas.

El número de nuevas plantaciones de árboles aumenta cada año, pero el total todavía equivale a una ínfima parte del área forestal del planeta.


“No me importa si el animal es capaz de razonar, sólo sé que es capaz de sufrir, y por eso, lo considero mi prójimo.”

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Jhordan2000
Deforestation destroys forests and jungles of Earth massively causing immense damage to soil quality. Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world's regions.
Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic impact is the loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of the plants and animals inhabit the forests of the Earth and many can not survive the deforestation that destroys their environment.
Rain forests and rain forests could completely disappear in a hundred years if the current rate of deforestation. Deforestation is also a contributing factor to climate change. Forest soils are wet, but without the protection of tree cover, dry quickly.
The removal of topsoil snatches the forests of its natural canopies that block sunlight during the day and keep the heat overnight. This disorder contributes to the onset of extreme temperature changes which may be harmful to plants and animals.
Trees play a crucial role in absorbing greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. Having fewer forests means emit more amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and greater speed and severity of climate change.
The fastest solution to deforestation is simply stop logging. Although the pace of deforestation has slowed somewhat in recent years, the current financial realities make this solution an unlikely alternative.
The preferred solution would be carefully manage plant resources by eliminating agricultural clearances to ensure foresters environments remain intact.
The logging is done should be done in a balanced way by planting enough saplings to replace the oldest in all forests and jungles.
The number of newly planted trees increases every year, but the total still amounts to a small part of the forest area on the planet.

Hay esta todo traducido espero que te sirva!!!!

lauracastro750: No me sirve de traductor, todo queda malo así.
Contestado por davidgarcia11
Deforestation destroys forests and jungles of Earth massively causing immense damage to soil quality. Forests still cover about 30 percent of the world's regions.
Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic impact is the loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of the plants and animals inhabit the forests of the Earth and many can not survive the deforestation that destroys their environment.
Rain forests and rain forests could completely disappear in a hundred years if the current rate of deforestation. Deforestation is also a contributing factor to climate change. Forest soils are wet, but without the protection of tree cover, dry quickly.
The removal of topsoil snatches the forests of its natural canopies that block sunlight during the day and keep the heat overnight. This disorder contributes to the onset of extreme temperature changes which may be harmful to plants and animals.
Trees play a crucial role in absorbing greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. Having fewer forests means emit more amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and greater speed and severity of climate change.
The fastest solution to deforestation is simply stop logging. Although the pace of deforestation has slowed somewhat in recent years, the current financial realities make this solution an unlikely alternative.
The preferred solution would be carefully manage plant resources by eliminating agricultural clearances to ensure foresters environments remain intact.
The logging is done should be done in a balanced way by planting enough saplings to replace the oldest in all forests and jungles.
The number of newly planted trees increases every year, but the total still amounts to a small part of the forest area on the planet.
"I do not care if the animal is able to reason, just know that is capable of suffering, and so, I consider my neighbor."

lauracastro750: No me sirve de traductor, todo queda malo así.
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