Física, pregunta formulada por Ari123xx, hace 1 mes

Alguien me explica de por qué es verdadero de qué las leyes de newton se usan para analizar las fuerzas que actuan sobre un objeto y determinar asi, su estado de movimiento.
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Contestado por Super66600

Newton's laws

Imagine discovering something so important that it bears your last name. Well, that happened to Sir Isaac Newton, an English scientist born in 1642.

Newton's laws are fundamental to the study of the motion of objects.

What are Newton's laws for?

Newton's laws are used to analyze the forces acting on an object and thus determine its state of motion. This has a myriad of practical applications: bridges, buildings, roads, ships, airplanes, cars, rides, and much more are designed with these laws in mind.

And Newton's apple?

The story tells that Newton was under a tree, reflecting, when an apple fell on his head, some say that it fell next to him, or that Newton himself embellished this story with the passage of time.

The important thing is that from that he developed the idea of the force of gravity. To anyone, it was just an apple falling. For Newton, it was an object moving in a straight line toward the center of the Earth. Therefore, there must be a force that was acting, without physical contact, on the apple. That force is gravity.

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