Inglés, pregunta formulada por getsevelynp8reon, hace 11 meses

Alguien me ayuda a traducir esto ?

Evelyn era una niña muy solitaria y muy tímida, jugaba sola, con el pasar del tiempo, ella creció y comenzó a tener pocos amigos, su vida en la primaria no fue muy buena y tampoco en la secundaria, pero eso no la detenía, para seguir adelante, a pesar de tener tropiezos, siempre se levanto y aprendió de sus errores, cuando llego en la preparatoria, ella quiso cambiar todo de su persona, comenzar desde 0, como si estuviera viviendo de nuevo, estuvo rodeada de buenas y malas influencias, pero a pesar de eso, seguía firme y no se desvio de sus metas.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por ramirezana87

Evelyn was a very lonely and very shy girl, she played alone, with the passing of time, she grew up and began to have few friends, her life in elementary school was not very good and neither in high school, but that did not stop her, for keep going, despite having setbacks, always got up and learned from her mistakes, when she arrived in high school, she wanted to change everything in her person, start from 0, as if she were living again, she was surrounded by good and bad influences , but despite that, he remained firm and did not deviate from his goals.

Contestado por eiyimendez

Evelyn was a very lonely and very shy girl, she played alone, with the passing of time, she grew up and began to have few friends, her life in elementary school was not very good and neither in high school, but that did not stop her, for keep going, despite having setbacks, always got up and learned from her mistakes, when she arrived in high school, she wanted to change everything in her person, start from 0, as if she were living again, she was surrounded by good and bad influences , but despite that, he remained firm and did not deviate from his goals.

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