Inglés, pregunta formulada por Litchm, hace 23 horas

¿Alguien me ayuda a resolver esto por favor? No entiendo que hacer :(((

Si ponen respuestas sin sentido les doy banderita

An intensifier is an adverb that comes before an adjective or another adverb to strengthen its
meaning and emphasize its effect.
A. Read the text about extreme sports and underline the intensifiers.
Extreme sports are different from average sports because they are incredibly
risky. Either you perform the sport at an extremely fast pace or its location
is incredibly dangerous. In order to do an extreme sport completely safely,
you should be really experienced at it.
Free solo climbing is an example of a very dangerous extreme sport. It
involves climbing incredibly steep cliffs that can be thousands of feet high. The most terrifying
thing about this sport is that you climb without any equipment. That's totally crazy, right? Those
who have done this sport have said that the only way to do it successfully is by climbing very
slowly and remaining totally focused on every move you make.
For the adrenaline junkies, extreme sports are very attractive and intriguing. But, if you're
thinking about taking up an extreme sport, think very hard about the challenges involved.


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por rosselynallr


Un intensificador es un adverbio que viene antes de un adjetivo u otro adverbio para fortalecer su

significado y enfatizar su efecto.

A. Lee el texto sobre deportes extremos y subraya los intensificadores.

Los deportes extremos son diferentes de los deportes promedio porque son increíblemente

arriesgado. O realizas el deporte a un ritmo extremadamente rápido o su ubicación

es increíblemente peligroso. Para practicar un deporte extremo con total seguridad,

deberías tener mucha experiencia en ello.

La escalada libre en solitario es un ejemplo de un deporte extremo muy peligroso. Eso

implica escalar acantilados increíblemente empinados que pueden tener miles de pies de altura. el mas aterrador

Lo que pasa con este deporte es que se escala sin ningún equipo. Eso es totalmente loco, ¿verdad? Esos

que han practicado este deporte han dicho que la única forma de hacerlo con éxito es escalando muy

lentamente y permaneciendo totalmente concentrado en cada movimiento que hagas.

Para los adictos a la adrenalina, los deportes extremos son muy atractivos e intrigantes. Pero, si eres

pensando en practicar un deporte extremo, piense muy bien en los desafíos que implica


Contestado por lycheese


Extreme sports are different from average sports because they are incredibly

risky. Either you perform the sport at an extremely fast pace or its location

is incredibly dangerous. In order to do an extreme sport completely safely,

you should be really experienced at it.

Free solo climbing is an example of a very dangerous extreme sport. It

involves climbing incredibly steep cliffs that can be thousands of feet high. The most terrifying

thing about this sport is that you climb without any equipment. That's totally crazy, right? Those

who have done this sport have said that the only way to do it successfully is by climbing very

slowly and remaining totally focused on every move you make.

For the adrenaline junkies, extreme sports are very attractive and intriguing. But, if you're

thinking about taking up an extreme sport, think very hard about the challenges involved.

Esos son los intensifiers del texto.

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