Inglés, pregunta formulada por 0931506802, hace 16 días

Aiudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa es para hoy


0931506802: Que pasha
0931506802: ???
0931506802: io soy de Ecuador
0931506802: TnT
0931506802: Eso explica muchas cosas

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por LleoE8


he has goed to the party

she has eated dinner

oscar has likes to played soccer

four of us have played the drums

melanie has sleeped eight hours

Ryan has six cats and eight dogs

my parents thought France has the the most beautiful country

the policemen has arrested the criminals


i have

he/she/it  has

you/we/they  have

0931506802: Tank you
0931506802: Losiento si te moleste
0931506802: TnT
0931506802: okis
0931506802: pero
0931506802: igual
0931506802: sorry
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