"Adjectives in suspense stories, Circle the correct option."
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Hola, Joserios2:
Adjectives in suspense stories.
The Girl and the Shark
After her (1) ________ mother died of cancer, Nancy, a (2) ________ medical student, decided taking❌ a vacation in a beach of Mexico. She was (3) ________ and hoped ---❌ get over the heartbreak of her mother’s death and find some peace by surfing on the waters.
Nancy got into her surf gear and hit the (4) ________ waves on her board alone. While surfing one last time for the day, Nancy noticed the carcass of a (5) ________ whale nearby with bite marks.
Nancy started feeling (6) ________ and tried to head back to the shore on a wave, but as she rode it, a white shark with (7) ________ teeth slammed into her and knocked her off the board. Nancy climbed back on and tried to paddle back, but the shark bit deep into her (8) ________ leg, spilling a lot of blood into the water.
Nancy struggled to escape and swam to a rock where the shark couldn't reach her. Nancy found a (9) ________ way to call for help and get back to the land. She never surfed alone again.
Circle the correct option.
1. a) happy b) beloved c) desperate
2. a) young b) old c) interesting
3. a) sad b) nervous c) angry
4. a) small b) wild c) salty
5. a) large b) tiny c) dark
6. a) good b) scared c) curious
7. a) black b) sharp c) small
8. a) left b) false c) unique
9. a) wrong b) terrible c) safe
1. Hay dos errores gramaticales en el texto, ambos referidos a estructuras verbales (= 'verb patterns'). Tanto 'decide' como 'hope' son verbos que se usan seguidos de un 'full infinitive', es decir, de un infinitivo con la partícula 'to'. Nunca va un gerundio (= una forma '-ing') luego del verbo 'decide' y siempre se usa la partícula 'to' entre el verbo 'hope' y el infinitivo que lo sigue.
• decide + to + infinitive
• hope + to + infinitive
2. En español, en los títulos de los libros o cuentos solo se escriben con mayúscula inicial la primera palabra y los nombres propios. En los títulos en inglés, en cambio, además de la primera palabra y los nombres propios, se escriben con mayúscula inicial todos los sustantivos, verbos, adjetivos y adverbios.
• The Girl and the Shark ➺ La chica y el tiburón
• The Iron Maiden ➺ La doncella de hierro
Adjectives in suspense stories.
The Girl and the Shark
After her (1) beloved mother died of cancer, Nancy, a (2) young medical student, decided to take✔️ a vacation in a beach of Mexico. She was (3) sad and hoped to✔️get over the heartbreak of her mother’s death and find some peace by surfing on the waters.
Nancy got into her surf gear and hit the (4) wild waves on her board alone. While surfing one last time for the day, Nancy noticed the carcass of a (5) large whale nearby with bite marks.
Nancy started feeling (6) scared and tried to head back to the shore on a wave, but as she rode it, a white shark with (7) sharp teeth slammed into her and knocked her off the board. Nancy climbed back on and tried to paddle back, but the shark bit deep into her (8) left leg, spilling a lot of blood into the water.
Nancy struggled to escape and swam to a rock where the shark couldn't reach her. Nancy found a (9) safe way to call for help and get back to the land. She never surfed alone again.
Circle the correct option.
1. a) happy b) beloved✔️ c) desperate
2. a) young✔️ b) old c) interesting
3. a) sad✔️ b) nervous c) angry
4. a) small b) wild✔️ c) salty
5. a) large✔️ b) tiny c) dark
6. a) good b) scared✔️ c) curious
7. a) black b) sharp ✔️ c) small
8. a) left✔️ b) false c) unique
9. a) wrong b) terrible c) safe✔️
La chica y el tiburón
Después de que su querida madre muriera de cáncer, Nancy, una joven estudiante de medicina, decidió tomarse unas vacaciones en una playa de México. Estaba triste y esperaba superar la angustia de la muerte de su madre y encontrar algo de paz surfeando en las aguas del mar.
Nancy se puso su equipo de surf y se lanzó sola a las olas salvajes sobre su tabla. Mientras surfeaba por última vez en el día, Nancy observó el cadáver de una gran ballena cercana con marcas de mordiscos.
Nancy empezó a sentir miedo y trató de volver a la orilla en una ola, pero mientras la montaba, un tiburón blanco con afilados dientes se abalanzó sobre ella y la derribó de la tabla. Nancy volvió a subirse y trató de remar de vuelta, pero el tiburón le mordió profundamente la pierna izquierda, lo cual derramó mucha sangre en el agua.
Nancy luchó por escapar y nadó hasta una roca donde el tiburón no podía alcanzarla. Nancy encontró una forma segura de pedir ayuda y volver a tierra. Nunca más volvió a surfear sola.
Saludos. ✨
Los adjetivos, son palabras que se usan para calificar, describir o dar características a personas, animales o cosas.
The girl and the shark.
After her (1) beloved mother died of cancer, Nancy, a (2) young medical student, decided taking a vacation in a beach of Mexico. She was (3) sad and hoped get over the heartbreak of her mother’s death and find some peace by surfing on the waters.
Nancy got into her surf gear and hit the (4) wild waves on her board alone. While surfing one last time for the day, Nancy noticed the carcass of a (5) large whale nearby with bite marks.
Nancy started feeling (6) scared and tried to head back to the shore on a wave, but as she rode it, a white shark with (7) sharp teeth slammed into her and knocked her off the board. Nancy climbed back on and tried to paddle back, but the shark bit deep into her (8) left leg, spilling a lot of blood into the water.
Nancy struggled to escape and swam to a rock where the shark couldn't reach her. Nancy found a (9) safe way to call for help and get back to the land. She never surfed alone again.
Puedes ver más adjetivos aquí https://brainly.lat/tarea/7523302