Tengo un hermano gemelo, caminamos siempre
lado a lado, y auque nunca discutimos, la contraria
en todos nos damos,
Que es?
Respuestas a la pregunta
Respuesta: Riddles
I have a twin brother, we always walk
side by side, and although we never argue, the opposite
in all we give ourselves,
What is it?
Let's solve the riddle in the statement
Vamos a resolver la adivinanza del enunciado
¿What are riddles? ¿Que son las adivinanzas?
Riddles are riddles, it is a literary genre that is responsible for giving us a clue or a tangled idea where it tends to confuse the answer, they are reasoning games and serve as a mental exercise for everyone, where all the phrase of the riddle has a specific meaning, In some riddles the answer is hidden inside the puzzle.
Tengo un hermano gemelo, caminamos siempre lado a lado, y auque nunca discutimos, la contraria en todos nos damos. ¿Que es?
Las tijeras.
I have a twin brother, we always walk side by side, and even though we never argue, the opposite happens in all of us. What is it?
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