Inglés, pregunta formulada por kitziaselvasgon2019, hace 3 meses

Activity 3
Propósito e instrucciones: Read the following dialogue'. Identity and underline the examples of
comparative forms you find. / Les s siguiente diblogo. Identifias y subraya las estructuras
gramaticales del comparativo que se emplean
Roberto and Ana are walking at the biggest market in Medico Cly.
Roberto: Well Ana, what do you think of Mexico City so far?
Ana: It's interesting. I think Monterrey is more expensive than Mexico City, Mexico City is more
crowded than Monterrey, and it is definitely more polluted than Monterrey. But in some way.
Monterrey is as busy as Mexico City,
Roberto: Yeah! It is a good place for vacation if you like warm weather.
Ana: I think in some ways Mexico City is nicer than Monterrey even though Medico City is noise
and more chaotic than Monterrey
Roberto I agree. On, here we are. I'm sure that the biggest market in Monterrey is not as big as
the biggest market in Mexico City.
Ans: You are night. This market is huge!​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por soyfankenini

more expensive
more crowded
more polluted
nicer than
more chaotic
Not as big as

kitziaselvasgon2019: solo eso
kitziaselvasgon2019: amigo
kitziaselvasgon2019: o amig
kitziaselvasgon2019: solo esas palabras amigo
kitziaselvasgon2019: responde
kitziaselvasgon2019: porfavor
soyfankenini: Si
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