Activity 2. Create a recipe that includes the 5 kinds of healthy food. Do not forget to include a picture about it.
Respuestas a la pregunta
Actividad 2. Cree una receta que incluya los 5 tipos de alimentos saludables. No olvides incluir una foto al respecto.
Ingredient Checklist
1/4 taza de piña fresca, cortada en cubos
1 naranja, pelada y cortada en gajos
1/2 manzana roja, cortada en cubos
5 uvas rojas sin semillas, en mitades
5 uvas blancas sin semillas, en mitades
2 tazas de yogurt sabor fresa
PreparaciónInstructions Checklist
Paso 1
Mezcla la piña, naranja, manzana y uvas en un tazón. Vierte el yogurt encima y revuelve para cubrir la fruta completamente.
Alimentos saludables: ¿cuáles son?
Salmón. Este pescado contiene importantes cantidades de Omega 3 y vitaminas. ...
Jitomate. ...
Huevo. ...
Leche. ...
Espárragos. ...
Manzana. ...
Avena. ...
Activity 2. Create a recipe that includes the 5 types of healthy foods. Do not forget to include a photo about it.
Ingredient Checklist
1/4 cup fresh pineapple, diced
1 orange, peeled and cut into wedges
1/2 red apple, diced
5 red seedless grapes, halved
5 white seedless grapes, halved
2 cups of strawberry flavored yogurt
Preparation Instructions Checklist Step 1
Mix the pineapple, orange, apple, and grapes in a bowl. Pour the yogurt on top and stir to completely coat the fruit.
these are the most prominent
Healthy foods: what are they?
Salmon. This fish contains significant amounts of Omega 3 and vitamins. ...
Tomato ...
Egg. ...
Milk. ...
Asparagus. ...
Apple. ...
Oatmeal. ...