Inglés, pregunta formulada por hoffman83, hace 16 horas

Activity 1: Usa los verbos del banco de palabras y cambialos en tiempo pasado para completar las oraciones. (Un verbo funciona como distractor, es decir no se usa). play change listen wait paint water visit mail help Team watch 1.- my friend in the hospital last year. 2- The boys soccer in the field behind the school three weeks ago. 3- Kevin his mother wash the dishes yesterday. 4-My brothers and I the living room a soft blue color last year. 5 - Laura TV for two hours last night. 6- My family plans on the way to Sinaloa two weeks ago. 7.- Danny for Luis for 20 minutes at the coffee shop four week ago. 8- They how to swim many years ago. 9.- Diana the flowers in the garden yesterday. 10 - We to the radio until midnight. Activity 2. Cambia las oraciones a la forma negativa usando didn't+verbo, después escnbe una nueva oración de forma afirmativa. Example: Mark played soccer yesterday Verbo en pasado Negative form: Mark ditolay soccer vesterday. verbo en presente Affirmative form: He played basketball, Nueva oración. Nota: Cuando la oración se escribe en negativo, los verbos se escriben en tiempo presente debido a que el auxiliar (dicht) indica por si misma tiempo pasado, por lo tanto ya no es necesario escribir el verbo en pasado. Jonathan donat ook pizza last week. He cooked spaguetti last week. 1.- Jonathan cooked pizza last week . 2-Mary called her mother last night 3.. Ann studied history two weeks ago 4- Peter danced with Betty last year. . 5- Mario fixed his TV two weeks ago 6-Bil ate cereal for breakfast. 7.- Ben took a shower at 700. 8- Mathew went to the park yesterday. 9 - Angle drank horchata water. 10.- Rose read the newspaper last night​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por anamariaaan

anamariaaan: Mary didn’t call her mother last night. She called his best friend.
Ann didn’t study history two weeks ago. She studied trigonometry.
Peter didn’t dance with Betty last year. He danced with Sophie.
Mario didn’t fix his TV two weeks ago. He fixed his microwave.
Bill didn’t eat cereal for breakfast. He ate pancakes.
anamariaaan: Ben didn’t take a shower at 7:00. He took it at 8:20.
Mathew didn’t go to the park yesterday. He went to the museum.
Angie didn’t drink horchata water. She drank soda.
Rose didn’t read the newspaper last night. She read a book.
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