ACTIVITY 1 PRESENT CONTINUOUS • Write the verbs with the ending ing (Escriba los verbos con la terminación ING) VERBS + ING VERBS agree answer believe break buy carry close cut do explain feel find fly forget get have know put read see set stop take wait watch write worry suggest understand study..
Respuestas a la pregunta
Agree: Agreeing
Answer: Answering
Believe: Believing
Break: Breaking
Buy: Buying
Carry: Carrying
Close: Closing
Cut: Cutting
Do: Doing
Explain: Explaining
Feel: Feeling
Find: Finding
Fly: Flying
Forget: Forgeting
Get: Getting
Have: Having
Know: Knowing
Put: Putting
Read: Reading
See: Seeing
Set: Setting
Stop: Stopping
Take: Taking
Wait: Waiting
Watch: Watching
Write: Writing
Worry: Worrying
Suggest: Suggesting
Understand: Understanding
Study: Studying
Solo es agregarle ing a los verbos, si termina en ''y'', unicamente debes agregarle ing, ejemplo el study; se le agrego ing y quedo ''studying''. Si termina en e, debes eliminarla y agregarle ing, ejemplo write; se elimina la e, y se le agrega ing, queda writing. Si termina en doble e (ee) agregas ing, SIN eliminar ninguna letra. Si termina en ie, DEBES eliminar la ir y agregar ying, ejemplo die, eliminas ie y agregas ying, quedaria ''dying''. Si es una palabra corta como run o put, doblas la ultima letra y le agregas ing, un ejemplo puede ser run, doblas la ''n'' y agregas ing, quedaria running.
-Mucho texto, lo sientooo :(-
Espero que te sirva <3