Inglés, pregunta formulada por yackelinea53, hace 25 días

A. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences in past perfect.


▪︎Before steven did his homework he................. at the libray.( study ).

▪︎Before steven did his homework he had studien at the libray.

1. She.............. in sweden before she went to norway. ( live ).

2. After we.............. the cornflakes, Henry came in. ( eat ).

3. Before ken ran to Kerry's house,he............... him. ( phone ).

4. After they............... their rucksacks, they rode away on their bikes.( pack ).

5. Gerry helped his grandma in the house because his father............. him so. ( tell ).

6. The cat hid under the chair because the children............... so loud.( be ).

7. Before the students started to write, the teacher.............. their mobile phones. ( collect ).

8. After Max................. his breakfast, he left the flat. ( finish ).

9. Laura repaired her glasses because her brother.................. them.( break ).

10. By the time the show began, all friends.................. ( arrive ).

B.Make the past perfect in positive form.


When I arriven at the cinema, the film han starden( start ).

1. She.................( live ) in china before she went to thailand.

2. After they...............( eat ) the shellfish, they began to feel sick.

3. If you...............( listen ) to me, you would have got the job.

4. Julie didn't arrive until after I................ ( leave ).

5. When we.................( finish) dinner, we went out.

6. The garden was dead because it.................( be ) dry all summer.

7. He.................. ( meet ) her before somewhere.

8. We were late for the plane because we..................( forgot ) our passports.

9. She told me that she...............( study ) a lot before the exam.


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por JessicaVazquezGalvan

I don't lose but I need points please

yackelinea53: encerio
yackelinea53: ok gracias
JessicaVazquezGalvan: de que cosa
JessicaVazquezGalvan: osea
JessicaVazquezGalvan: que
yackelinea53: de nd
JessicaVazquezGalvan: ok
JessicaVazquezGalvan: a dices de ablar inglés
JessicaVazquezGalvan: o no
JessicaVazquezGalvan: o de q
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