Religión, pregunta formulada por jjparrasalcedo, hace 7 meses

A) Change the verb into the correct form. (present simple) (Cambia el verbo en la forma correcta/ presente simple) 1. I usually _________________ (go) to school. 2. They _________________ (not/visit) us often. 3. You _________________ (play) basketball once a week. 4. Tom _________________ (not / work) every day. 5. He always _________________ (tell) us funny stories. 6. She never _________________ (help) me with that! 7. _______ Martha and Kevin __________ (swim) twice a week? 8. In this club people usually _________________ (dance) a lot. 9. Linda _________________ (take care) of her sister. 10. John rarely _________________ (leave) the country. 11. We _________________ (not/ live) in the city most of the year. 12. Lorie _________________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday. 13. I _________________ (bake) cookies twice a month. 14. You always _________________ (teach) me new things. 15. She _________________(help) the kids of the neighborhood.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por danielaysla31


1-  go

2  don´t visit  


4-  doesn´ t work

5- tells

6- helps

7-Does Martha and Kevin swim twice a week?

8-In this club people usually dance a lot .

9-takes care

10- leaves

11- don´t ive


13- bake

14- teach

15- helps


hice todo espero que te sirva :) Merezco la coronita porfa

danielaysla31: me das la coronita :v
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