Inglés, pregunta formulada por noeliasalvatierra20, hace 8 meses

9 Choose the correct answers

. 1. Mary Shelley took / was taking a holiday in Switzerland when she wrote / was writing the book

. 2. While Brad Pitt was making / made a film in Hungary , the police suddenly were arriving / arrived and were taking / took 100 guns

. 3. On 15th November , 2008 , pirates hijacked / were hijacking one of the world's biggest ships , the Sirius Star , while it sailed / was sailing near Somalia

. 4. Hawaiians killed / were killing Captain Cook while he was sailing / sailed in the Pacific Ocean in 1779 .

Please the exercise 9 I dont understand

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Anonymoushere


1-took/ was writing

2-was making/arrived/took

3-hijacked/was sailing

4-killed/was sailing


Idk if the answers are correct but I gave a try for u. :)

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