Inglés, pregunta formulada por jesus7916, hace 6 meses

6) she ___ drive but she takes the bus to go to work
A) can
B) could

7) In that country citizens ___ now make suggestions openly, it is a new democracy
A) can
B) could

8) I don't know yet, but I ___ come with you after all! (possibility)
A) can
B) could

9) ___ you please let me know your answer by the end of the week? (very formal request)
A) can
B) could

10) nowadays, people ___ travel very easily all over europe
A) can
B) could

11) children ___ bring their teddy bears to school
A) can
B) could

Ayuda por favor y doy coronita y corazón plissss ayuda ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por fabriciovargas42


hola! cual es tu pregunta?


jesus7916: todas esas preguntas necesito resolver
fabriciovargas42: ok
fabriciovargas42: espera 1 minuto
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