Inglés, pregunta formulada por darkdani2319, hace 5 meses

6. Read the poster and answer the questions.
When do the clubs take place? ____________________________________________________________
Where do the clubs take place? ___________________________________________________________
How can you get more information about the clubs? __________________________________________
Which club do you think is the best?


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Rub05

Las respuestas a las preguntas mencionadas pueden ser las siguientes:

  • The clubs take place during after-school hours.
  • The clubs take place in Caicedonia Cultural Centre.
  • You can get more information by visiting the place in person or by contacting Ms Emilse García with her email.
  • I think the best club is the computer gaming club because I like videogames.

En ejercicios de comprensión lectora es importante leer el texto varias veces y fijarse sobre todo en palabras clave.


darkdani2319: gracias me salvaste la vida
Rub05: Para eso estoy ;)
fm169081: ami también me sarvaste la vida muchas gracias
Contestado por Jsantibejarano


1 The clubs take place during after-school hours.

2 The clubs take place in Caicedonia Cultural Centre.

3 You can get more information by visiting the place in person or by   contacting Ms Emilse García with her email.

4 I think the best club is the computer gaming club because I like videogames.


espero te sirva

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