50 verbos el definitivo
Respuestas a la pregunta
To absorb (absorver)
To learn (aprender)
To add (Agregar)
To leave (irse, dejar)
To answer (Responder)
To left (dejar)
To appear (Aparecer)
To list (listar)
To arrive (Llegar)
To listen (escuchar)
To ask (Preguntar)
To live (vivir)
To bark (Ladrar)
To look (ver)
To be (Ser, estar)
To loose (perder)
To became (llegar a ser)
To make (hacer, fabricar)
To belong (pertenecer) May
To born (nacer)
To mean (significar)
To build (construir)
To modify (modificar)
Can (poder)
To move (mover)
To clarify (aclarar) Must
To clean (limpiar)
To play (jugar, actuar, tocar un instrumento)
To close (cerrar)
To pull (empujar)
To contain (contener)
To put (poner, colocar)
To cook (cocinar)
To reach (alcanzar)
To cost (costar)
To read (leer)
To cover (cubrir)
To record (grabar)
To crack (romper)
To refuse (rechazar)
To create (crear)
To remain (permanecer)
To cross (cruzar)
To remember (recordar)
To cry (llorar)
To repair (reparar)
To dark (oscurecer)
to return (regresar)
To die (morir)
To save (Salvar, ahorrar)
To discover (descubrir)
To schedule (Programar, planear)
To draw (dibujar)
To sell (vender)
To drink (beber)
To set (poner, colocar)
To drive (manejar)
To shine (amanecer)
To dry (secar)
To show (mostrar)
To ear (oír)
To sing (cantar)
To eat (comer)
to sit (sentar)
To elect (elegir)
To sleep (dormir)
To entertain (entretener)
To smell (oler)
To exchange (intercambiar)
To Smile (Sonreir)
To experiment (experimentar)
o solve (resolver)
To explain (explicar)
To sound (sonar)
To express (expresar)
To speak (hablar)
To feel (sentir)
o stay (estar, permanecer)
To finish (terminar)
to stop (detener)
To fix (arreglar)
o study (estudiar)
To fly (volar)
To swim (nadar)
To follow (seguir)
To take (tomar)
To formulate (formular)
To taste (probar)
To found (encontrar)
To tell (decir, hablar)
To freeze (congelar)
To translate (traducir)
To fun (divertir)
To travel (viajar)
To gift (regalar)
To try (intentar)
To give (dar)
To turn on (encender)
To go (ir) To type (Escribir (a máquina))
To grow (crecer)
To underline (subrayar)
To have (tener)
To use (usar)
To help (ayudar)
To wake (despertar)
To honor (honrar)
To walk (caminar)
To include (incluir)
To wash (lavar)
To insist (insistir)
To wear (usar)
To interrupt (interrumpir)
To work (trabajar)
To jump (saltar)
To write (Escribir)
To know (saber)
to zoom (moverse con rapidez)