Inglés, pregunta formulada por nelsoneud, hace 11 meses

50 oraciones en presente simple:

1. She reads the magazine every day

2. We go to school on the bus.

3. He works very hard

4. She likes to sit  in the backyard.

5. We play in the park every day.

6. He watches tv every morning

7. They always try to arrive on time

8. He always runs to school.

9. I do the work of two people.

10. The cat chases the mouse all around the house.

11. Mr. Green works with my mom.

12. They always play futbol on Sundays

13. He studies for his french class.

14. We eat together every night.

15. She attends church every day.

16. I speak many foreign languages.

17. She eats in the cafeteria every day.

18. She goes there once a week.

19. She teaches history.

20. We go to the movies every monday.

21. She plays the guitar every morning.

22. She hugs me every morning.

23. You watch television every night

24. He carries his stuffs in a briefcase.

25. He enjoys his art class.

26. The bus stops at the end of the street.

27. She wants to learn spanish.

28. He speaks dutch.

29. I wish to learn Italian

30. The plane leaves from the airport at 5 o’clock.

31. I walk to work every morning.

32. He works in the second floor.

33. You always come to class early.

34. He lives in texas.

35. I understand everything in the book.

36. They want to visit London.

37. He plays in the park every afternoon.

38. I go to class once a week.

39. He does a lot favors to me.

40. I drive to New York once a month.

41. She seems to be very busy.

42. This pencil belongs to Jane

43. They sell clothrs there.

44. The service opens at eleven o’clock.

45. He drinks a lot.

46. They play tennis every Saturday.

47. The class begins at seven o’clock.

48. She needs to speak Spanish in order to get a better job

49. The girl cries because his toy is broken.

50. The employee fixes the mistake.

esta oraciones la pueden pasar a pasado simple

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por TRTMICHAEL

I'm going to help you.

1. She read the magazine every day.

2. We went to school on the bus

3. He worked very hard

4. She liked to sit in the backyard

5. We played in the park every day

6. He watched TV every morning

7. They always tried to arrive on time

8. He always ran to school

9. I did the work of two people

10. The cat chased the mouse all around the house

11. Mr. Green worked with my mom.

12. They always played futbol on Sundays

13. He studied for his french class.

14. We ate together every night.

15. She attended church every day.

16. I spoke many foreign languages.

17. She ate in the cafeteria every day.

18. She went there once a week.

19. She taught history.

20. We went to the movies every monday.

21. She played the guitar every morning.

22. She hugged me every morning.

23. You watched television every night

24. He carried his stuffs in a briefcase.

25. He enjoyed his art class.

26. The bus stopped at the end of the street.

27. She wanted to learn spanish.

28. He spoke dutch.

29. I wished to learn Italian

30. The plane left from the airport at 5 o’clock.

31. I walked to work every morning.

32. He worked in the second floor.

33. You always came to class early.

34. He lived in texas.

35. I understood everything in the book.

36. They wanted to visit London.

37. He played in the park every afternoon.

38. I went to class once a week.

39. He did a lot favors to me.

40. I drove to New York once a month.

41. She seemed to be very busy.

42. This pencil belonged to Jane

43. They sold clothes there.

44. The service opened at eleven o’clock.

45. He drank a lot.

46. They played tennis every Saturday.

47. The class began at seven o’clock.

48. She needed to speak Spanish in order to get a better job

49. The girl cried because his toy is broken.

50. The employee fixed the mistake.

The limits of your language are the limits of your world.

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