Inglés, pregunta formulada por real1234, hace 1 año

50 oraciones compuestas en ingles

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Contestado por lolita009
en español 
Nosotras cocinamos y ellos lavan los platos.El árbitro llegó puntualmente, pero los jugadores no se presentaron en el estadio.Mozo, ¡en esta mesa faltan los cubiertos!Van a cerrar, debes darte prisa.Laura no fue a la fiesta; Su madre no se sentía bienMartín vendrá mañana, pero vuelve a ir en una semana.¡Sí! ¡Cuánta gente en esta sala!De repente se sintió muy cansado, por lo que decidió volverse a su casa.Los impuestos aumentan y se devaluan la moneda.Qué peligro ¡Los niños viajan sin sus cinturones de seguridad!Él vivió muchos años y sé más que vos.Entremos las sillas, en cualquier momento se larga un llover.Los hombres de las guitarras, de las mujeres y de las sillas, está por la guitarra.Me pareció un muy buen documental, lástima que el sonido no era del todo bueno.Su temperamento es particularmente inestable: a veces ríe, a veces llora.Tienes que tomar coraje y afrontar el problema ya mismo o luego lo lamentarás.El ser humano es omnívoro, es decir, come de todo.Woody Allen escribe sus guiones y además actúa en muchas de sus películas.Al conocerse la noticia muchos se enfurecieron, unos pocos se resignaron y se marcharon.Mejor no salgas, llueve mucho y anunciaron nevadas en la madrugada.Llegó el gran día: hoy Susana defiende sus tesis, trabajó nada menos que 4 años en ella.Las puertas se abren a las 14; Solo a partir de qué se permite el ingreso de los invitados especiales y del público en general.
en ingles 

We cook and they wash the dishes. The referee came on time, but the players did not show up at the stadium. Waiter, this table is missing the cutlery! They're closing, you must hurry. Laura did not go to the party; His mother did not feel well Martin will come tomorrow, but he'll be back in a week. Yes! How many people in this room! Suddenly he felt very tired, so he decided to go home. Taxes increase and devaluate the currency. What a danger Children travel without their seat belts! He lived many years and I know more than you. Let us enter the chairs, at any moment it will take a rain. The men of the guitars, the women and the chairs, are by the guitar. I found it to be a very good documentary, a pity that the sound was not quite good. His temperament is particularly unstable: sometimes he laughs, sometimes he cries. You have to take courage and face the problem right now or you'll regret it. The human being is omnivorous, that is, he eats everything. Woody Allen writes his screenplays and also stars in many of his films. When the news was known, many became angry, a few resigned and left. You better not go out, it rains a lot and they announced snowfall at dawn. The big day arrived: today Susan defends her thesis, worked no less than 4 years in it. Doors open at 14; Only from what is allowed the entrance of special guests and the general public.

Contestado por florcitaaaaaa
1. Do you eat your vegetables right now or do you prefer to do it when you tell your dad?2. Do you prefer soda or juice?3. Do you want to go to the party or do you want to rest?4. Juanita likes the food her grandmother cooks.5. Hurry or you will not get cake.6. Araceli, where the time becoming the "saint", is a gossip, liar and defamatory, has several problems for it.7. Catalina is an English teacher and her husband is a musician.8. Catholicism, Islam, Judaism; Are monotheistic religions.9. As children, you were very studious.10. As it is Sunday, we will go to Mass.11. We leave the keys in the house, look for them in the kitchen.12. After work I will rest. Then I'll go with you.13. God helps the wicked when they are many, that's why we lost. There were very few of us.14. The blue team played very well but the green team was a disaster.15. The governor distributed the scholarships: 10 percent to the best students, 20 percent to indigenous youth, 10 percent to young people with learning disabilities, and the rest to women.16. The glass fell, was misplaced.17. You chose between travel or party, you can not change the decision.18. She or I choose.19. That nice car, it's no use, it does not work.20. It was Don Agustin de Iturbide who made Mexico independent, not Miguel Hidalgo.21. Jacinto hired a mechanic, decomposed the van.22. We put the money together, so we thought we could buy it.23. Karla has red hair, her sister has it black.24. Social assistance was distributed as follows: 20% to single mothers, 10% to pregnant adolescents, 10% to indigenous, 10% to elderly, and the rest to women.25. The church is: a saint, catholic and apostolic.26. Advanced math is very difficult for me.27. Lettuce with lemon and salt is a salad.28. The sports where they bet, I do not like them, are all fixed from the beginning.29. Mexicans, Argentines, Colombians, Chileans and Peruvians, as well as Brazilians, are Latin Americans.30. Cowboys milk the cows and sell the milk at the market.31. We fought and lost, they were many and we were few.32. They fought all morning; Then they withdrew from the field.33. Maria, where the time, is a very good doctor.34. Martha was divorced, her husband was remarried.35. My car fails, it's new.36. I need to buy new glasses, which I have no longer serve me.37. He did not like apples, they spoiled.38. I do not know or care.39. It was not just a story; Was something deeper.40. Our country heroes did not die. They live in our memory.41. Order the dining room, the chairs are on the table.42. Patricia attended the meeting to which Engineer Robles called.43. Be careful, the problem is not important44. Who ended the independence of Mexico, was Antonio López de Santa Anna; When he avoided the reconquest by Barradas.45. Rosita bought pallets and Maria took them off.46. ​​He fell silent, slipped on the ice.47. Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine. They are Arab countries.48. They went up to the roof and then a shower fell.49. I want to have three children, but my husband wants to have two.50. I believe you, do not worry.
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