Inglés, pregunta formulada por cifuentec002, hace 2 días

50 ejemplos de wh questions​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por maulopezyam


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Contestado por ale61106
* Who are you?
* Who is he?
* Who is she?
* Who do you like?
* Who is your best friend?
* Who is on the phone?
* Who did it?
* Who did you meet?
* Who made this cake?
* Who do you think will win?
* Who wants some ice cream?
* Who said that?
* Who is stronger?
* Who is faster?
* Who is the most beautiful?
* Who is the fastest?

* What is it?
* What’s this?
* What’s that?
* What’s your name?
* What’s your last name?
* What’s his name?
* What’s her name?
* What day is it today?
* What’s the weather like today?
* What’s the date?
* What are you doing?
* What is she doing?
* What are they doing?
* What time is it? 
* What do you want to eat?
* What would you like?
* What do you want to be?
* What’s your favorite food?
* What do you do?
* What’s your job?
* What does your father do?
* What does she look like? 
* What do you have?
* What do you have in your bag?
* What grade are you in?
* What did you do yesterday?
* What time do you go to bed?
* What is our homework today?
* What are you good at?
* What do you do for fun?
* What do you do in your spare time?

* When is your birthday?
* When is his birthday?
* When were you born?
* When is the field trip?
* When is their anniversary?
* When does the party start?
* When do you do your homework?
* When is the soccer game on TV?
* When are the banks open?
* When does the train arrive?
* When does the class finish?
* When are you free?
* When should we meet?
* When will you finish work?

* Where is my pencil case?
* Where is your book?
* Where are my glasses?
* Where is the post office?
* Where are you from?
* Where is he from?
* Where does she live?
* Where are Chris and Kelly from?
* Where is Canada on the map?
* Where do you eat lunch?
* Where do you want to eat lunch?
* Where do you work?
* Where do you want to go?
* Where is your school?
* Where did you go last weekend?
* Where did you buy that dress?
* Where were you yesterday?
* Where was the meeting?

* Why are you so happy?
* Why are you laughing?
* Why are you crying?
* Why were you late?
* Why did you do that?
* Why was Chris not in work yesterday?
* Why do you think he did that?
* Why are you running?
* Why do we need to study English?
* Why does he always complain?
* Why do people exercise? 

* Which do you prefer? The red one or the blue one?
* Which teacher do you like the most?
* Which of my books would you like to borrow?
* Which one is it?
* Which way is it to the library?
* Which restaurant shall we go to?

Usa las que quieras :))
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