5 verbos usando pronombre personales usando will y going to
Respuestas a la pregunta
-think I’ll buy a car. (Creo que compraré un auto.)
-I’m going to buy a car with my savings. (Voy a comprar un auto con mis ahorros.)
-That tree is rotten, it’s going to fall. (Ese árbol está podrido, va a caerse.)
-I have to go, I’ll talk to you later. (Tengo que irme, te hablaré más tarde.)
-I’m going to talk to him about this issue. (Voy a hablarle sobre este asunto.)
I think I’ll buy a car. (Creo que compraré un auto.)
I’m going to buy a car with my savings. (Voy a comprar un auto con mis ahorros.)
That tree is rotten, it’s going to fall. (Ese árbol está podrido, va a caerse.)
I have to go, I’ll talk to you later. (Tengo que irme, te hablaré más tarde.)
I’m going to talk to him about this issue. (Voy a hablarle sobre este asunto.)
I think I am going to study now. (Creo que voy a estudiar ahora)