5 Rimas en inglés cortas.
Respuestas a la pregunta
1º "My Toothbrush" (A self help rhyme)
I have a little toothbrush.
I hold it very tight.
I brush my teeth each morning,
And then again at night.
2º "I Have Two Eyes"
I have two eyes to see with,
I have two feet to run,
I have two hands to wave with,
But nose I have one.
I have two ears to hear with,
And a tongue to say "Good day".
3º "One, Two, Tie my shoe"
One, Two, Tie my shoe.
Three, Four, Shut the door.
Five, Six, Pick up sticks.
Seven, Eight, Lay them straight.
Nine, Ten, A big fat hen.
Let's get up and count again!
4º "Mother"
Dear Mother,
You are so good.
You are so sweet.
You are the best
Mother for me.
5º "Sweet"
Rose are red.
Violet are blue.
Honey is sweet.
And so are you.
Jeremiah blow the fire
Jeremiah, blow the fire,
Puff, puff, puff.
First you blow it gently…
Then you blow it rough.
Diddle, diddle dumpling
Diddle, diddle dumpling,
My are John,
Went to bed
With his trouser son.
10 fingers
10 fingers,
10 toes,
2 eyes/p>
And a round nose.
Good day!
I Have Two Eyes
I have two eyes to see with,
I have two feet to run,
I have two hands to wave with,
But nose I have one.
I have two ears to hear with,
and a tongue to say “Good day”.
Hush Little Baby
Hush, little baby
Sleeping in the bed.
Mummy’s in the kitchen
Making bread.
Hush, little baby,
Close your little eyes.
Daddy’s in the garden,
Don’t you cry.