Inglés, pregunta formulada por matinezcarolina321, hace 19 días

5) Read the next dialogue and answer the statements bellow (TRUE or FALSE) Leer el dialogo y contesto si las oraciones debajo son verdaderas o falsas Pat: Hello? Paulo: Hi, Pat, this is Paulo. Where were you yesterday? Pat: I was at Carla's birthday party. You know, my new neighbour Paulo: Ah, Carla... Was the party good? Pat: Yes, it was fantastic. The music was great and there was a lot of food. There were sandwiches, cakes, crisps... Paulo Were there many people? Pat: Yes, there were a lot of people. I was with two of Carla's friends, Laurie and Lenny. They were really funny, Paulo And what about Carla? Pat: Er... she's nice. Really nice. I'm going sailing with her and her friends this weekend Paulo Cool!​

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Contestado por nelsonroman



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