Inglés, pregunta formulada por Frida2542006, hace 1 año

5 oraciones con third condicional

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por 10259
If I had seen him, I would have told him about you.
Si lo hubiese visto, le habría contado acerca de ti.

If I had known the answer, I would have raised my hand.
Si hubiese sabido la respuesta, habría levantado mi mano

If she had come on Saturday, I would have seen her.

Si ella hubiese venido el sábado, la habría visto.

If they had left earlier, they would have arrived on time.
Si ellos hubiesen salido más temprano, habrían llegado a tiempo.

If we had studied harder, we might have passed the test.
Si hubiésemos estudiado más duro, podríamos haber aprobado la prueba.

Contestado por katieangel68


 1 ) If you had worked harder, you would have passed your exam.

  2) If he had been there,  I would have seen him

  3) If we had had more time , I would have visited New York .

  4 ) If I had studied more, I would passed the exam.

  5 ) If Peter had arrived earlier, we wouldn't  have missed the train.

  6 ) If July had been able to afford it , I would have bought the Porsche .

  7 ) If you had answered the phone, I would have told you news .

  8 ) If I hadn't gone to the concert, I would never have met Mary.

  9 ) If she hadn't lost her keys, we would have been able to get in the house .

  10 ) If you hadn't told them the story they wouldn't have found out.

  11 ) We wouldn't have been poor if you hadn't lent money to your brother.

 12 ) If we hadn't brought the radio we wouldn't have heard the news.

 13 ) If I hadn't received the bill I would have forgotten to pay it.

 14 ) If we hadn't applied for the papers we would have been thrown out of the country.

 15 ) If he hadn't stabilized the situation everything would have turned out bad.

16 ) If Euskatel had bought Vodafone we would have been in another reality.

17 ) If they had advised them, they would have attended.

18 ) If Camaron had been born in London he would have been a punk.

 19 ) If Joseph had been punk, he would have sung 'soy punk' instead of 'soy gitano'.  

 20) If I hadn't met you before, we wouldn't have fallen in love.

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