5 acciones saludables que la gente realiza para estar saludable ingles presente simple
Respuestas a la pregunta
can, could, might, may, must, has to and should do
1.-I can definitely quit drinking soda in order to improve my health.
2.-I could start eating vegetables every day.
3.-I might take a small nap (10-15 minutes) every time I need to.
4.I may start reading to improve my concentration.
5.-You must drink water, at least 7 to 8 glasses of water per day.
6.-She has to learn to breathe from the base of her lungs.
7.-You should do physical activity at least three times a week, this will help maintain your body and mind in optimal conditions.
8.-You can get away from refined sugars, just sometimes.
9.-You could disconnect from the cell phone and social networks more often.
10.-I might start considering avoid conflicts or stress situations.
11.-I may dedicate time for myself.
12.-I must stop eating excess sugar and processed foods.
13.-He has to quit skipping meals.
14.-Everybody should do a semi-annual check up.
15.-You can quit smoking right now.