46 2. Listen >> A psychologist is speaking about responsibility. Read the first part of the talk. Then, listen and complete the notes. So today about responsity Bespoke dedican and sometimes means dog things you dont want to do. Or not doing things you want to do Ok then retrotrons of responsbility Bendrore York 1 Yormeren tieto Your Om 2. Yosh tase 3. You Donesproket dxre then 1. Youtwe 2. Ane puseo 3. VICHY Deine uporabe 1. You hayo 2. -contesten lo que se la saben
Respuestas a la pregunta
1. (doméstico)
a. de mascota
I wanted to have a pet snake, but my parent's didn't think it was a good idea.Quería tener una serpiente de mascota, pero a mis padres no les pareció una buena idea.
2. (animal doméstico)
a. la mascota (f)
They have three pets: one dog and two cats.Tienen tres mascotas: un perro y dos gatos.
3. (favorito)
a. el preferido (m), la preferida (f)
She is the teacher's pet.
> A psychologist is speaking about responsibility. Read the first part of the talk. Then, listen and complete the notes. So today about responsity Bespoke dedican and sometimes means dog things you dont want to do. Or not doing things you want to do Ok then retrotrons of responsbility Bendrore York 1 Yormeren tieto Your Om 2. Yosh tase 3. You Donesproket dxre then 1. Youtwe 2. Ane puseo 3. VICHY Deine uporabe 1. You h