en extremo inferior izquierdo
Líneas curvas cerradas con un radio de 1,5 cm concéntricas cada 1 cm iniciando
Respuestas a la pregunta
In each one of the regions of our Peru there are diversity of songs
interpreted in native languages or in Spanish. His lyrics express very varied
messages and meanings, and represent the cultures from which they were created.
Interview your family to find out about the songs that represent the region
where you live Ask them about the language in which they sing it, how they learned
to interpret them, on which occasions they sing them, with which musical instruments
They execute, what messages they transmit and other aspects that you consider. Take notes
or record their voices to record the information you get. Even if any of yourDuring this process of developing the Design Thinking methodology, specifically
In the devise phase, your entrepreneurial team (made up of your family) created a series of
creative alternatives to solve the identified need, in this case, the
example was linked to: “how products would be moved easily and comfortably
that your parents or relatives will make the anti-COVID-19 kit when they rejoin
their jobs ". Now answer or record the answer to the following question:
What types of prototypes could you use for users to interact and
Experiment with your service or product idea? Why?
Great! You already have the prototype of the idea you want to represent. Now watch your
environment and identify what tools and materials you have or have to create
your prototype. You have to take into account if your idea is a product or a service;
Depending on it, you can choose a "theatrical performance", a short story,
even the writing of a text as if it were news.
Excellent work! We have finished the development of the fourth phase of the methodology
Design Thinking.