4. Escriba oraciones usando la forma comparativa o superlativa de cada uno de los adjetivos que aparecen en la sopa de letras.
Rápido bella divertido importante corto triste bueno pesado gordo limpio estupido tranquilo lento mojado peligroso asustado
Con eAs palabras realizar oraciones usando forma conparativa o suoerlativa
Respuestas a la pregunta
rápido/ fast.
Carlos is faster than Roberto.
bella/ beautiful.
She is more beautiful than my sister.
divertido/ fun.
My vations are funnier than yours.
importante/ important.
The math homework is more important than science homework.
corto/ short
Annas hair is shorter than Hayleys.
triste/ sad.
Mom is sadder than dad.
bueno/ good.
My birthday cake was better than yous.
pesado/ heavy.
Juan table is havier than mine.
gordo/ fat.
Your cat is fatter than mines.
limpio/ clean.
My house is cleaner than your house.
estupido/ stupid.
My brother is stupider than my cousin.
tranquilo/ calm.
Victors dog is calmer than mines.
lento/ slow.
Dads car is more slower than my aunt.
mojado/ wet.
My clothes are wetter than yours.
peligroso/ dangerous.
The lion its more dangerous than cobra.