Inglés, pregunta formulada por bolovahna, hace 9 meses

4. Desarrolle el siguiente test

A: Circle the correct answer.

01. I........ happy

A am

B are

C is

11. ........ She speak Italian?

A Do

B Does

C Why

21 .The........ names are Jo and Ann.

A girl

B girl’s

C girls’

02. They........ French

A am

B are

C is

12 . ........ do you go shopping?

A How many

B What

C Where

22. We have........ Cat.

A a

B any

C some

03. We........ German.

A aren’t

B don’t

C isn’t

13 . I relax........ Sunday.

A at

B in

C on

23. We don’t have ........ dog.

A a

B any

C some

04. ........ you tired?

A Am

B Are

C Is

14. We start ........ ten.

A at

B in

C on

24. Do you play........ Sports?

A a

B any

C some

05. Where are you ........?

A from

B of

C off

15. We go there........ summer.

A at

B in

C on

25. We need........ Milk.

A a

B any

C some

06. Claire........ In Valencia.

A do

B live

C live

16 . I finish........ 27th May

A at

B in

C on

26. Do they have........ Water?

A a

B any

C some

07. My aunt........ Rice.

A is

B like

C likes

17 . She goes........ Work every day.

A at

B in

C to

27. How........ Bottles are there?

A any

B many

C much

08. They........ work here.

A aren’t

B doesn’t

C don’t

18 . He arrives........ Work at nine.

A at

B in

C to

28. Did they........ the film?

A like

B liked

C likes

09 . I........ like milk.

A aren’t

B doesn’t

C don’t

19 . We arrive........ Paris at four.

A at

B in

C to

29. I........ a lot of questions yesterday.

A ask

B asked

C asks

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por sandygeral131099

no lo se amigou

-❤❤ jajajaja

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