Inglés, pregunta formulada por 90420836jesus, hace 8 meses

Choose the correct option. Present Perfect tense. (5 pts)
1. Ie's a great movie. I have ... that
movie many times.
9. Eva, Thomas, and Robert ... Hong
a) sava
b) seen
Kong many times.
a) have been
c) see
b) been to
2. Have you ... really strange or
c) have been to
Interesting food?
10. I've cleaned the kitchen, but I... the
a) ever eaten
living room yet.
by never eaten
a) haven't clean
c) ate
b) haven't cleaned
3. (A) ... your brother talked to you yet?
c) have cleaned
(B) Yes, he ...
a) Has/ did
b) Have/have
c) Has has
4. My family and ... to many different
countries around the world.
a) have flown
b) has town
c) Town
5. My sister ... ridden a bicycle. She is
afraid that she will fall off.
a) neuer
b) has never
c) has ever
6. (A) ... you talked to Mr. Parfitt?
(B) No ...
a) Had: haven't
b) Have i havent
c) Have I didn't
7. I'm sorry, but I... finished my
homework yet.
a) have
by hasn't
c) haven't
8. (A) ... you finished your lunch yel?
(B) Yes, 1...
a) Has/ tas
b) Has/have
c) Have I have​

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Contestado por svides1115





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