Inglés, pregunta formulada por mariazea, hace 4 meses

Selecciono el auxiliar para la pregunta y la forma negativa , según el sujeto de la oración
1) He doesn't - don't play baskelball

2) They doesn't - don't study in this school

3) My mother doesn't - don't buy radios

4) We doesn't - don't eat at the restaurant

5) My friends doesn't - don't live in Lebrija​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por lol1285


1) doesn't

2) don't

3) doesn't

4) don't

5) don't


Don't (you, I, they, we)

Doesn't (she he it)

Contestado por juanju34


1- He doesn't play basketball

2-they don't study in this school

3-my mother doesn't buy radios

4-we don't eat at the restaurant

5-my friends don't live in Lebrija

recuerda que el does es para tercera persona como she,he o it

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