Inglés, pregunta formulada por mariaizquierdo7, hace 16 horas

3. Put the verb from bracket in Past Simple. (6 pkt)

- I …………………………….. (not break) the rules!
- She …………………………………….. (answer) all the questions during yesterday’s test.
- ……………………… Tommy ………….. (be) hungry an hour ago?
- We ………………………………………………….. (sleep) in our parent’s bed last night.
- You ……………………………………. (not pay) for the cereal last week.
- When ……………… they……………………… (buy) that house?

4. Put the verb from bracket in Past Continuous. (6 pkt)

- He ___________________________ on the coach. (sleep)
- Mavis ___________________________ a horse when she broke her arm. (not ride)
- Who ______ Mary _________________? (question)
- We ___________________________ to the radio yesterday morning. (listen)
- I ___________________________ when you wake me up. (not dream)
- How many apples _______ he _________________ from 2 to 4? (eat)

5. Put the verb from bracket in Future Simple. (6 pkt)

- I …………………………………… to Spain someday. (go)
- She ……………………………….. this movie. (not see)
- …………………………. you ……………………….. your grandmother this summer? (visit)
- We ………………………………. write this essay. (not write)
- ……………………… he ……………………… a birthday party this year? (throw)
- They ……………………………… for the taxi this time. (pay)

6. Put the verb from bracket in Present Perfect. (9 pkt)

- I ……………………………….. no time to tidy my room. (have)
- She ………………………………… her work yet. (not finish)
- That book ………………………… on the table for weeks. (be)
- ……………….. you ………………….. to John lately? (talk)
- We ……………………………….. the butcher for over three weeks. (not pay)
- …………………. she ……………… anything today? (eat)
- I …………………………….. you since we met a year ago. (not see)
- How many times ………………… you …………………. so far? (lost)
- Bob and I ……………………………………. here for as long as I can remember. (live)

7. Insert FOR or SINCE (9 pkt)

- We have been waiting here ……………………. an hour.
- We haven’t seen rain here …………………… more than 30 months.
- Everybody has recognized me ……………………. they saw me on TV.
- My parents have known each other …………………………. 1975.
- I haven’t watched any films …………………….. last month.
- I haven’t visited the Normans ………………… ages.
- Their son has been involved in modern art ……………… over five years.
- My mother hasn’t met Tom……………….. his birthday.
- My dad has had fie cigarettes ………………… he got up.

8. Use the past simple version of the verb in brackets to complete each sentence. (5 pkt)
- Mike's ball …………………….. (roll) down the hill and into the river.
- The party …………………. (begin) at eight o'clock and …………………… (finish) at midnight.
- I …………………… (sell) my old red guitar and ……………………….. (buy) a trumpet.
9. Use Past Simple or Past Continuous (5 pkt)
- I ……………………...(watch) TV when she ………………………....(call).
- When the phone ……………………(ring), she ………………….…. (write) a letter.
- While we ……………….….(have) the picnic, it (start)…………………. to rain.
- What (you, do)…………….…. when the earthquake ………………..…(start) ?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por olivercaw30


- I didn't break..

- She answered..

- Did -- is..

- We slept..

- You didn't play..

- When did -- buy..


- He was sleeping..

- Mavis wasn't riding..

- We were listening to..

- I wasn't dreaming..

- was -- eating..


- I will go..

- She won't see..

- Will -- visit..

- We won't write..

- Will -- throw..

- They will pay..


- I have not..

- She hasn't finished..

- That book been..

- Have -- talk..

- We haven't paid..

- Have -- eaten..

- I haven't seen..

- How many times have.. -- lost..

- Bob and I have lived..


- for..

- for..

- since..

- for..

- for..

- for..

- for..

- for..

- since..


- roll..

- began..

- finished..

- sold..

- bought..


- I was watching -- called.

- rang -- was writing..

- had -- it was starting..

- What were you doing when the earthquake started?

Otras preguntas